A conservation project for endangered plant species
Do you know Seed Vault, a seed storage?
Seed Vault is a modern Noah's Ark developed topreserve genetic resources and to prevent the extinction of major plantscaused by disasters such as natural disasters or wars.

There are only two Seed
Vault facilities in the world.
One is the Svalbard International Seed Vault in Norway.
The other is the Baekdudaegan National Arboretum Seed Vault in Bonghwa-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea.

Deardot is running the
‘SAVE THE SEED’ campaign
to promote seedsbecoming disappearing as their usefulness is not recognized and to boost consumption, thus preserving seeds while improving the quality of life.
Furthermore, Deardot has been working hard to discover seeds becoming disappearing after signing an MOU with the Baekdudaegan National Arboretum.
All the certification mark which represents our activities are shown on the products.

As the first project, we donated Dangyuja seeds to Seed Vault in Korea on March 30, 2020 to permanently preserve the disappearing plant, Dangyuja from Jeju Island,and to widely promote its potential value to the world.